Master, Lara McKay and Vice-Master, Dr Ari Metuamate welcomed over 100 Ormondians who came to Ormond College in 1973 and before to a special lunch on Thursday 23 March in the Dining Hall.
With over 30 alumni from the 1973 cohort in attendance, Penelope Foster (1973) spoke on behalf of the incoming Et Vetera group, reminiscing of the days they spent at Ormond and since.
Current Ormond student, Sophie de Jersey, performed a Bach piece on the cello, while Vice-President of the OCSC, Will Peters (standing in for President, Emma Murphy) spoke on behalf of the students present in welcoming former students back to the College.
If you’d like to arrange a reunion or event for your fellow Ormondians, anywhere in the world, please contact the Ormond College Alumni office at or +61 3 9344 1169