
Help keep Ormond accessible

The Ormond community is committed to keeping the College accessible to the best students, regardless of their financial circumstances, and providing these students with opportunities they otherwise would not have had.

Currently about one third of students need significant financial support to come to Ormond.

Students such as those from rural or Indigenous backgrounds, face significant obstacles to higher education. Scholarship support is vital to redress this imbalance and overcome these barriers

I came from a small country town in Western NSW. Being able to be part of Ormond has nurtured me through the enormous lifestyle adjustments which university demanded. Once I found my feet, the academic stimulation and extracurricular offerings available here have fed my passion and continued the momentum. Being part of this community has changed my life.

Lars Hennicke, recipient of the McLean Family Scholarship

A message about the impact of Scholarships from students who call Ormond home

Scholarships you can support

You can establish a named scholarship in perpetuity, support a scholarship over 3 to 5 years, or donate to existing scholarships listed below.


Frank Raleigh Scholarship

Help us grow the Frank Raleigh Scholarship Fund and ensure its lasting legacy. Frank Raleigh’s generosity has enabled us to financially support students for decades. Your donation will ensure Frank’s legacy lives on and Ormond remains accessible for more talented students. Frank passed away after giving 61 years of his life to our College. In his will, he left all the money he had
to establish a scholarship fund. He wanted to ensure students without the financial means had the chance to benefit from the life-changing educational experience Ormond provides. And, with your help, his scholarship fund will continue to support students for years to come.

Hugh Collins Scholarship

For many students coming from government schools, the cost of college fees are simply beyond consideration. Help from you will ensure that we can assist even more talented students to benefit from an Ormond experience.

Pompey Elliott Rural Scholarship

The Harold ‘Pompey’ Elliott Rural Scholarship enables students from regional or rural Australia, in need of financial support, to come to Ormond. The Scholarship honours Ormondian Brigadier General Harold ‘Pompey’ Elliott, Australia’s great WWI fighting general who was famous for the care he had for his soldiers. He came to Ormond from his home in West Charlton outside Ballarat.

Indigenous Scholarship

Indigenous students are an integral part of our College community and we are actively committed to increasing the number of indigenous students at Ormond.  Your support in this area will enable us to assist even more exceptional students to thrive with an Ormond experience.

Access Scholarship

This Scholarship, which has been initiated by alumni from the legal field who were at Ormond in the late 60s and early 70s, will help enable students with the highest financial need to reside at Ormond while studying at the University of Melbourne.

Women’s Scholarship

The scholarship was established by alumni and parents to enable a third year (or later) female student to continue as a resident at Ormond College. It seeks to support and nurture an all-round student willing to be actively involved in College life and keen to take on leadership role or responsibilities.

Mid-80s Scholarship

Alumni who were at Ormond in the mid-80s are establishing a scholarship for a student with financial need to come to Ormond.

Sir Lindsay Ride Scholarship

A group of Ormond alumni living in Hong Kong wanted to assist an exceptional student from the region to come to Ormond. They recognized that a broad range of students in the College contributes to a stimulating environment for both formal and informal learning, and a crucible for students’ understanding of the globalised and connected world in which they live. Importantly, they saw the benefits that such a student, remaining connected to the region, could provide through influencing and leading positive change in Australia and Greater China.

This scholarship commemorates Sir Lindsay Ride and the values and characteristics he represented – academic excellence, community service, appreciation of the arts and sport as well as displaying courage, dedication and commitment in his chosen fields. The student who is provided with this scholarship will reflect these qualities.

JD Scholarship

Help enable JD students to reside at Ormond College.

Renate Kamener Indigenous Scholarship

Help support an Indigenous student at Ormond.

Donate now

Donations of $2 or more to Ormond College are tax deductible for Australian tax payers.

Creating pathways of opportunity

When we enable students to come to Ormond, their lives are transformed.

Without this scholarship, I would still be in Stawell working to try to afford the costs of university, with little hope of being able to afford to move close enough to a tertiary education centre like the University of Melbourne.

Your generosity has meant that I have been able to not only attend Melbourne Uni, which has always been my aspiration, but to live at Ormond College. It has been a life changing opportunity and I am eternally thankful and grateful of your benevolence.

Natasha Kennedy-Read, recipient of the Fielding Menzies Tertiary Scholarship

Opening new perspectives, creating possibilities, nurturing aspirations – the chance to come to Ormond changes the direction of students’ lives. Your support will be an investment in young people who will influence and lead positive change in Australian society and throughout the world.

How you can support

Donate to the scholarships listed above online or if you would like more information about establishing or contributing to a scholarship, please contact our Advancement office at

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