A comprehensive list of frequently asked questions to guide undergraduates.
In Australia, College is a place where you live to enrich your university experience. Some students come from overseas, interstate; others are from just down the road. Once the university year starts you live here, eat here (all meals are provided), study here, participate in sport and cultural events here and socialise here.
Ormond becomes your home away from home for 34 weeks of the year. With such a diversity of people here you will make an amazing network of friends, live in a supportive and equal environment and have a life changing learning experience.
Transitioning into University life can be daunting, so in addition to the Ormond College Handbook, we’ve curated a comprehensive list of FAQs:
If there’s anything you can’t find covered here please contact our Admissions Team on admissions@ormond.unimelb.edu.au.
If you’re a Graduate student please refer to our Graduate FAQs.